35,307 research outputs found

    Rehabilitasi Sosial Terhadap Orang Dengan Gangguan Jiwa (ODGJ) di Balai Pelayanan dan Rehabilitasi Sosial PMKS Sidoarjo

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    One of the programs by the Social Service to overcome the problem of ODGJ is social rehabilitation. This is because ODGJ experience various problems, namely physical, psychological, and social that require social rehabilitation. This study aims to (1) describe the problems experienced by people with mental disorders (ODGJ), (2) describe the social rehabilitation of people with mental disorders (ODGJ) at Balai PMKS Sidoarjo. This study used a qualitative approach with a case study descriptive research type. The technique for determining research subjects used purposive sampling. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Qualitative data analysis techniques use 3 stages, namely data condensation, data display and verifying conclusions. While the technique of increasing the validity of the data using a credibility test. The results of this study indicate that (1) ODGJ experience various kinds of problems, namely physical, psychological, and social. (2) Various aspects of these problems can be overcome by social rehabilitation activities, namely meeting basic needs, social guidance, mental guidance, physical guidance, skills guidance, and counseling guidance. The aim is to improve the quality of the client's functioning so that he can return to being a complete human being


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    Pulvar.id Online Store focuses on instant beverage powder which is suitable for various types of drinks. Shopee and Pulvar.id online shop match because Shopee E-Commerce is here to connect buyers and sellers, besides that there are many benefits for sellers and buyers. The benefits provided by Shopee make a forum for sellers such as the MSME coaching program, the Export Program and assistance to sellers in conducting store operations. Many sales categories on Shopee make Pulvar.id develop and have customers because of the large variety of products sold. The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the role of customer loyalty, service quality and customer satisfaction of Pulvar.id Online Shop. This type of research is a quantitative method sampling technique determined by probability sampling by distributing questionnaires as many as 140 respondents to Pulvar.id Online Store customers. The analysis technique used is path analysis with the help of the SPSS application. The results in this study indicate that (1) Service quality has a positive and insignificant effect on customer loyalty, (2) Customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, (3) Service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, (4) there is a significant influence between service quality on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction

    Hubungan Powerfull Repetitive Motions dengan Kejadian Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) pada Penumbuk Wijen di Wilayah Soko Bogor, Kecamatan Cawas, Kabupaten Klaten

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    Kasus Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(CTS)terbesar terjadi pada pekerjaan yang melibatkan tugas dengan kombinasi gerakan repetitif dengan kekuatan otot, contohnya adalah penumbuk wijen. Di Indonesia kasus CTS tidak dilaporkan secara pasti. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan powerfull repetitive motions dengan kejadian CTS pada pekerja penumbuk wijen. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik dengan menggunakan metode survey dan pendekatan cross sectional study . Jumlah populasi adalah 55 orang. Hasil penelitian adalah 60% penumbuk wijen di Soko Bogor, Cawas, Klaten menderita CTS. Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara gerakan repetitif dengan kejadian CTS dengan p value 0,002, tingkat kepercayan 95% dan ada hubungan antara kekuatan otot tangan dengan kejadian CTS dengan p value 0,002, tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Sarannya bagi penumbuk wijen agar memilih palu dengan berat maksimal 5 kg, memilih tekstur pegangan palu yang tidak licin, istirahat singkat selama 3-5 menit setiap kali 2 siklus kerja sedangakan untuk puskesmas setempat dengan cara mengembangkan upaya promotif dan preventif terhadap penangganan kasus CTS pada penumbuk wijen. The highest rates of carpal tunnel syndrome or CTS occur in occupations ang job tasks with combinations between highly repetitive work and force-for example in wijen seed pounders. There's no national report on CTS in Indonesia. this research wanted to know the association between powerfull repetitive motions and CTS among wijen seed pounders in Soko Bogor, Cawas, Klaten. The method of this research was analysis with used survey method and cross sectional study. The total populations were 55 as there's pounders. the result of this research were 60% wujen seed pounders had suffered CTS. there was have assiciation between repetitive motions and CTS, a statistically significant trend p value 0,002, confidence level 95%. there was association hand muscles force and CTS, a statistically significant 0.002, confidence level 95%. the suggestion for wijen seed pounders are in order to choose the hammer have weight's 5 kg for maximum weight, to selected the handle hammer have surface texture is coarse, have short rest during 3-5 minites every two cycle work, for puskesmas in there to develope promotive and preventive programme to prevent CTS case wijen seed pounders in Soko Bogor, Cawas, Klaten Kata Kunci: powerfull repetitive motions, carpal tunnel syndrome , penumbuk wijen powerfull repetitive motions, carpal tunnel syndrome, wijen seed pounder


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    Social advocacy is a systematic and organized effort to influence and bring about change, by providing support and defense for the less powerful (weak) towards those who are victims of policies and injustice. One of the problems that requires social advocacy is the problem in the world of football where this incident is in the world spotlight. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive type. The subjects in this research are members of the thorough investigation community, people who understand the Kanjuruhan tragedy. The data collection techniques used in this research used observation, interview and documentation techniques. The techniques used in this research are data reduction and data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this research are the social advocacy carried out by this thorough investigation community in fulfilling the rights of victims and families of victims of the Kanjuruhan tragedy, including seeking justice in the form of peaceful actions, raising donations in the form of seeking donations on the streets and on social media, and mental health support. in the form of establishing a mental health support post in the KNPI Malang building

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Pelayanan Kontrasepsi Intra Uterine Device (IUD) oleh Bidan di Kabupaten Kebumen

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    Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan Minat Manajemen Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak 2013 ABSTRAK Kusumastuti Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Pelayanan Kontrasepsi Intra Uterine Device (IUD) oleh Bidan di Kabupaten Kebumen xviii + 120 halaman + 25 tabel + 4 gambar + 9 lampiran IUD merupakan salah metode kontrasepsi jangka panjang (MKJP) yang pemakaiannya masih di bawah target pemerintah Kabupaten Kebumen yaitu 11% . Pemerintah Kabupaten Kebumen telah mengadakan pelatihan Contraception Technology Update (CTU) bagi Bidan sehingga pemakaian KB IUD di Kabupaten Kebumen mengalami kenaikan pada bulan Juni tahun 2012 menjadi 6,57%. Namun tetap saja pemakaian kontrasepsi IUD masih di bawah target. Upaya kegiatan telah dilakukan pemerintah Kabupaten Kebumen namun belum menunjukkan hasil meningkatkan pelayanan kontrasepsi IUD. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis faktor–faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku pelayanan kontrasepsi Intra Uterine Device (IUD) oleh Bidan di Kabupaten Kebumen. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan pendekatan waktu cross sectional. Dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur pada 80 responden bidan di wilayah Kabupaten Kebumen. Analisa data dilakukan dengan analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariate. Hasil penelitian ini adalah variabel pengetahuan, motivasi, akses, ketersediaan sumberdaya dan kebijakan dalam kategori baik, namun masih terdapat 40% bidan yang motivasinya kurang karena lebih memilih melayani kontrasepsi yang praktis, dan 31% tempat pelayanan responden tidak terdapat lembar balik. Variable pelayanan kontrasepsi IUD berhubungan dengan variabel pengetahuan bidan (p=0.037), motivasi bidan (p=0.045), dan ketersediaan sumberdaya (p=0.021), sedangkan variabel akses pelayanan (p=0.691) dan kebijakan (p=1.000) tidak berhubungan dengan pelayanan kontrasepsi Intra Uterine Device (IUD). Secara bersama-sama variabel motivasi bidan dan variabel ketersediaan sumberdaya berpengaruh terhadap pelayanan kontrasepsi Intrauterine Device (IUD) p≤ 0,05 dengan Exp.(B) > 2. Saran yang direkomendasikan adalah bidan lebih meningkatkan motivasinya dalam memberikan pelayanan KB yang lebih rasional dan mengadakan kembali pelatihan Teknologi Kontrasepsi Terkini (TKT) bagi bidan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kontrasepsi terutama IUD. Kata Kunci : Pelayanan Kontrasepsi IUD, CTU bagi Bidan Kepustakaan : 52 (1975 - 2012) Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Health Policy Administration Sub Majoring in Maternal and Child Health Management 2013 ABSTRACT Kusumastuti Analysis on Factors Related to the Practice of IUD Contraception Services by Mildwives in Kebumen District xviii + 120 pages + 25 tables + 4 figures + 9 enclosures Intra uterine device (IUD) was a long term contraception method (MKJP), and the coverage usage of IUD in Kebumen district was still below the government target, 11%. Kebumen district government had conducted contraception technology update (CTU) training for midwives, and in June 2012 the IUD acceptors in Kebumen district increased to become 6.57%. However, the increase of IUD acceptors was still below the target. Efforts have been conducted by Kebumen district government to increase IUD contraception service; however, the increase of IUD contraception service was not seen. Objective of this study was to analyze factors related to intra uterine device service behavior by midwives in Kebumen district. This was an observational study using analytical survey method with quantitative and cross sectional approach. Interviews were conducted to 80 midwives as respondents in Kebumen district and guided by structured questionnaire. Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis were applied in the data analysis. Results of the study showed that knowledge, motivation, access, availability of resources and policies were in a good category. However, there were 40% midwives with insufficient motivation, and they chose practical contraception service; 31% of respondents’ service rooms did not have flip charts. IUD contraception service was associated with knowledge of midwives (p= 0.037), midwives motivation (p= 0.045), and availability of resources (p= 0.021). Service access (p= 0.691) and policies (p= 1.000) were not associated with IUD contraception service. Midwives motivation and availability of resources jointly influenced IUD contraception service with p≤ 0.05 and Exp (B) > 2. Suggestions recommended in this study were that midwives should improve their motivation in implementing more rational family planning service, and conduct refreshing of up to date (TKT) contraception technology training for midwives to improve service quality specifically IUD. Key words : IUD contraception service, CTU for midwives Bibliography : 52 (1975-2012


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    Latar Belakang : Sebagian besar atlet mengkonsumsi food supplement karena pengaruh dari iklan-iklan dan pendapt dari atlet lain serta pelatih tentang efek food supplement pada performa tubuh mereka. Banyak yang percaya bahwa food supplement akan meningkatkan performa mereka dan mempercepat masa penyembuhan. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan food supplement Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan Cross-Sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua atlet sepeda jawa tengah dan DIY . Jumlah sampel yang ada sebanyak 42 orang. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner meliputi identitas sampel, umur, berat badan, pengetahuan gizi, motivasi berprestasi, persepsi, recall asupan zat gizi dan recall aktifitras fisik selama 3x24 jam. Analisis uji statistik yang digunakan Kolmogorov Smirnov, uji bivariat menggunakan uji Pearson Product Moment dan uji multivariat dengan menggunakan uji regresi linear ganda. Hasil : Terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan gizi dengan konsumsi food supplement. Terdapat hubungan antara persepsi dengan konsumsi food supplement. Terdapat hubungan antara aktifitras fisik dengan konsumsi food supplement. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara motivasi berprestasi dengan konsumsi food supplement. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara asupan zat gizi dengan konsumsi food supplement. Simpulan : Faktor- faktor yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan food supplement adalah pengetahuan gizi, asupan energi, protein dan aktivitas fisik


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    Masih tingginya Angka Kematian Bayi, Anak Balita dan Ibu Melahirkan mencerminkan pelayanan kesehatan yang ada saat ini belum memadai dan belum menjangkau masyarakat banyak di pedesaan, terutama pelayanan ibu hamil yang segan untuk memeriksakan kehamilannya di Posyandu, karena keterbatasan sarana dan tenaga yang ada. Cakupan persalinan oleh bidan desa dari 35 Puskesmas pada tahun 2005 (40 %) Puskesmas yang mencapai target dengan pencapaian tertinggi (98,48 %) dan (60 %) Puskesmas belum mencapai target dengan pencapaian terendah (54,54 %), cakupan persalinan di Kabupaten Kuningan pada tahun 2005 dibanding tahun 2004 ada peningkatan (2.36 %) tetapi belum mencapai target angka tersebut menunjukan bahwa persalinan yang ditolong oleh tenaga bidan masih rendah. Serta masih tingginya cakupan persalinan oleh dukun bayi (23.77 %). jenis penelitian yang digunakan Explanatory atau confimatory metode survey dengan pendekatan cross sectional . Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini semua bidan di desa di Kabupaten Kuningan dan sampel diambil sebanyak 71 responden dari seluruh populasi. Analisa data secara deskriptif dan analitik menggunakan uji chi square . Sebagian bidan di desa sudah melaksanakan fungsi manajemen dengan baik antara lain untuk fungsi perencanaan (39,4 %), fungsi pembinaan (56,3%), fungsi kerjasama (47,9 %) dan fungsi evaluasi (46,5 %) dan untuk fungsi perencanaan kurang (60,6 %), fungsi pembinaan kurang (43,7 %), fungsi kerjasama kurang (52,1 %) dan fungsi evaluasi(53,5 %). Hasil penelitian ada hubungan antara fungsi perencanaan nilai p=0,001, pembinaan p=0,001, kerjasama p=0,001, evaluasi p=0,003, dengan cakupan persalinan oleh bidan di desa, dimana p<0,05. Perlu dilakukan peningkatan pendidikan dan pelatihan fungsi manajemen bidan di desa yang lebih baik dan terarah sehingga dapat meningkatkan cakupan persalinan, juga perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai faktor-faktor lain diluar fungsi manajemen bidan di desa yang berpengaruh terhadap cakupan persalinan. Kata kunci: fungsi managemen, bidan desa, cakupan persalinan THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MANAGEMENFUNCTION OF RURAL MIDWIFE AND CONFINEMENT COVERAGE IN DISTRICT OF KUNINGAN 2006 The high mortality of infants, under five yeras old children (balita) and bear mothers reflect the recent helath services not yet adequately and reach to rural society, especially service to pregnat mother which unwilling to check it's pregnacy in Posyandu, because to view of facility and employee. Convinement Coverage by rural midwife from 35 Public Health Service in 2005 is only 40 % Public Health service achieve to target with highest attainment is 98.48% and 60% public health services not yet achieve to target with attainment lowest is 54.54%, coverage of confinement in Regency of Kuningan in 2005 compared to 2004 there is improvement 2.36% but not yet reached to target. this indicates that confinement wth helped by midwife still low, and remain high coverage of confinement by traditional midwifw 23.77%. The research type used is explanatory or cobnfirmatory with survey methode and cross sectional approach. Data intake midwife interview using quetionaire. Population in all these research are all rural midwifes in district of Kuningan and the sample taken 71 respondents from all population. The some of rural midwifes have executed good management fungtion for example for the planning fungtion is 39.4%, construction funcftion is 56.3%, coveration function is 47.9% and evaluation function is 46.5% and for the planning fubnction is less if 60.6%, construction function is less of 43.7%, cooperation function is less of 52.1% and evaluation function is less of 53.5%. Data analyzed descriptive using chi square test. Result of research show relation between planning function, construction p value=0.001, cooperation p value=0.001, evaluation function p value=0.003 with coverage of confinement by rural midwifes p < 0.005. Based ti result of research, it is need to improve of education and training of the better and aimed management finction of riral midwifes so can improve coverage of confinement, also required to makes further research about othervfactors outside management function of rural midwifes having and effect on to coverage of confinement Keywords: Management Function, Rural Midwife, Confinement Coverag


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    This research was conducted on Grosir Asemka consumers who made purchases through the Shopee marketplace, with the aim of the study to determine: the effect of e-service quality on purchasing decisions, es-service quality on consumer trust, consumer trust in purchasing decisions and e-service quality on purchasing decisions through consumer trust. This research uses the SPSS 25 for Windows Program tool, and uses 125 respondents. This research uses the method of scale range analysis and path analysis. The results of this study are as follows: e-service quality has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, e-service quality has a positive and significant effect on consumer trust, consumer trust has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, and consumer trust has a mediating role in the relationship between e-service quality and purchasing decisions

    Kepuasan Pasien Jaminan Persalinan pada Pelayanan Persalinan oleh Bidan Desa di Kabupaten Pati Tahun 2012

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    Universitas Diponegoro Program Pascasarjana Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan Minat Manajemen Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak 2013 ABSTRAK Siti Ni’amah Kepuasan Pasien Jaminan Persalinan pada Pelayanan Persalinan oleh Bidan Desa di Kabupaten Pati Tahun 2012 74 halaman + 24 tabel + 3 gambar + 4 lampiran Jaminan persalinan bertujuan untuk menurunkan AKI (Angka Kematian Ibu) melalui peningkatan akses pertolongan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan. Namun demikian AKI di Kabupaten Pati meningkat setelah ada program Jampersal. Hasil studi pendahuluan menunjukkan ketidakpuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan persalinan jampersal oleh Bidan Desa.Tujuan penelitian menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepuasan pasien jampersal pada pelayanan persalinan oleh Bidan Desa di Kabupaten Pati. Jenis Penelitian adalah observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan angket dengan kuesioner terstruktur. Populasi penelitian 450 ibu bersalin dengan jampersal, dengan jumlah responden 90, yang dipilih secara purposive dengan kriteria inklusi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji korelasi Rank spearman dan regresi logistik berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden (60%) merasa tidak puas dengan pelayanan persalinan jampersal. Mutu pelayanan dalam dimensi reliability dipersepsikan baik 51,1% responden, mutu pelayanan dalam dimensi responsveness dipersepsikan baik 51,1% responden, mutu pelayanan dalam dimensi assurance dipersepsikan baik 51,1% responden , mutu pelayanan dalam dimensi empathy dipersepsikan baik 67,8% responden, mutu pelayanan dalam dimensi tangibles dipersepsikan baik 65,6% responden. Ada hubungan reliability (p=0,001), responsiveness (p=0,001), assurance (0,011), empathy (0,020), tangibles (p=0,001), terhadap kepuasan pasien. Faktor yang paling kuat berhubungan dengan kepuasan pasien jampersal adalah reliability selanjutnya berturut-turut tangibles, empathy dan assurance secara bersama-sama berhubungan dengan kepuasan. Disarankan bagi Dinas Kesehatan kabupaten Pati untuk meningkatkan motivasi bidan dalam pelayanan jampersal antara lain dengan mempermudah proses klaim. Disarankan bagi bidan desa untuk meningkatkan ketanggapan dalam pelayanan jampersal. Kata kunci : Kepuasan pasien Jampersal, Mutu pelayanan, Bidan Desa Kepustakaan : 32 (2004 – 2012) Diponegoro University Postgraduate Program Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Health Policy Administration Sub Majoring in Maternal and Child Health Management 2013 ABSTRACT Siti Ni’amah Patients' Satisfaction on Delivery Services by Village Midwives in Delivery Assurance Program in Pati District, 2012 74 pages + 24 tables + 3 figures + 4 enclosures The purpose of delivery assurance (Jampersal) was to reduce maternal mortality rate (AKI) through improvement of delivery assistance accessibility by health workers. However, AKI in Pati district increased after the implementation of Jampersal program. Results of a preliminary study showed patient unsatisfactory to Jampersal delivery service by village midwives. Objective of the study was to analyze factors related to Jampersal patient satisfaction toward delivery service by village midwives in Pati district. This was an observational-analytical study with cross sectional approach. Data were collected by conducting observation and distributing structured questionnaire. Study population was 450 post-delivery mothers who took advantage of Jampersal. Study respondents were 90 Jampersal post-delivery mothers who were selected purposively according to the inclusion criteria. Rank Spearman correlation test and multiple logistic regressions were applied in the data analysis. Results of the study showed that the majority of respondents (60%) were not satisfied with jampersal delivery service. In the reliability dimension, 51.1% of respondents had good perception on the quality of service. In the responsiveness dimension, 51.1% of respondents had good perception on the quality of service. In the assurance dimension, 51.1% of respondents had good perception on the quality of service. In the empathy dimension, 67.8% of respondents had good perception on the quality of service. In the tangibles dimension, 65.6% of respondents had good perception on the quality of service. There were associations between patient satisfaction and reliability (p= 0.001), responsiveness (p= 0.001), assurance (p= 0.011), empathy (p= 0.020), tangibles (p= 0.001). The strongest factor related to jampersal patient satisfaction was reliability; then tangibles, empathy, and assurance respectively. Those factors, in common, are related to patient satisfaction. Suggestion for Pati district health office was to increase midwives motivation in Jampersal service such as making easier way in a claim process. Suggestion for village midwives was to improve responsiveness in jampersal service. Key words : jampersal patient satisfaction, service quality, village midwives Bibliography : 32 (2004-2012


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    Performansi kerja adalah sesuatu hasil yang di capai seseorang menurut ukuran yang berlaku untuk pekerjaan yang bersangkutan.Orang dengan tingkat kinerja tinggi di sebut orang yang produktif,sebaliknya orang yang tingkat kinerjanya rendah atau tidak mencapai standard dikatakan tidak produktif atau berperformansi rendah(As' ad, 2000).Menurut Gibson(1994)ada tiga kelompok variabel yang mempengaruhi perilaku dan prestasi kerja atau kinerja,yaitu variabel individu,variabel organisasi dan variabel psikologis. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kinerja perawat perawat di instalasi rawat inap RSUD"Dr.Soedarso"Pontianak.Jenis penelitian,deskriptif analitik menggunakan metode survai dengan pendekatan belah lintang/cross sectional. Hasil uji statistik T test dan korelasi produc't Moment menunjukkan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat pendidikan dengan kinerja perawat dalam penerapan standar asuhan keperawatan,dengan tingkat hubungan sedang.Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara rekan kerja dengan kinerja perawat dalam penerapan standar asuhan keperawatan,dengan tingkat hubungan kuat. Berdasarkan hasil diatas disarankan menyediakan alakasi dana untuk kegiatan pelatihan,memberikan tanggung jawab kepada perawat di instalasi rawat inap sesuai dengan peran atau kedudukan perawat,melakukan penilaian kinerja perawat,merancang pelatihan kerja tim,meningkatkan pemberian kompensasi dalam bentuk uang maupun bentuk bukan uang,menyediakan format pedoman penerapan standar asuhan keperawatan di rumah sakit. Kata Kunci: Individu,organisasi,psikologisdan kinerja THE FACTORS THAT HAVE RELATIONSHIP WITH THE WORK PERFORMANCE OF NURSES AT THE IMPATIENT INSTALLATION AT " Dr.SOEDARSO" HOSPITAL IN PONTIANAK IN WEST KALIMANTAN The work performance is the result that is reached by someone based on the work indicators.People with a high performance are called a productive people.People with a low performance are called a non-produc tive people (As, ad, 2000).According to Gibson (1994), Three variables influenced a Behavior and a work achievement.Those are individual,an organization,and a psychology. The aim of this research was to identify the factors that have relationship with the work performance of nurses at the impatient installation at"Dr.Sudarso" hospital in Pontianak.This was descriptive and analytic research using survey method and cross sectional approach. Based on statistical analysis using T test and Product Moment test ,the result of this research showed that the level of education has significant relationship with the work performance of nurses in applying the nursing standart (level of correlation is a low).The motivation has significant relationship with the work performance of nurses in applying the nursing standart(level of correlation is a medium).The compensation has significant relationship with the work performance of nurses in applying the nursing standart(level of correlation is a medium).The work partner has significant relationship with the work performance of nurses in applying the nursing standart(level of correlation is a high). The Hospital Manager should allocate fund for training activities,give responsibility to nurses at impatient installation based on a role of nurses,value awork performance of nurses,design a team work training,increase the amount of compensation in money form and non-money form,and prepare a guide for applying a nursing standart at the hospital. Keyword : an Individual,an Organization,a Psychology,and a work Performanc
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